Celebration is a part of the journey of faith. Whether we are celebrating the birth of a child, the marriage of friends or the life of a loved one, we are surrounded by celebrations filled with joys and sorrows.
Our hope is that at St. Paul’s you will find a place to bring all the celebrations of life and offer them to God. Through the many acts of worship and fellowship, in the ordinariness of life and occasions of profound joy, we celebrate the wonderful things God has done and continues to do in our midst.
We are a community of celebration, that finds expression in bringing our deepest yearnings and most profound sorrows and laying them before God. As you transition through life we hope that you will let us be a part of your many blessings.

The Rite of Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which the candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP, p. 860).
Those who were baptized at an early age and those baptized as adults without laying on of hands by a bishop are expected to make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 412).
Adults baptized with the laying on of hands by a bishop are considered to be confirmed.

The transition from childhood to adulthood is a formative time for young people and the church seeks to recognize and celebrate that transition as a gift.
The intention then is that this rite of passage marks the midpoint of a journey with God and with each other.

Olive oil that has been blessed is used sacramentally in the liturgical prayer and pastoral ministries of the church.
Holy oil is usually applied by the minister of the sacrament or sacramental rite to the forehead of the one who is anointed.
The minister often applies the oil with the thumb, making the sign of the cross with the oil.
For information on these and other Rites offered by the church please contact the parish office and a member of the clergy will be in contact with you.