Worship at St. Paul’s Church
You belong! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, who you love or how long you have been away. You are welcome at St. Paul’s!
We are a welcoming and inclusive community of faith where everyone is welcomed…we really mean EVERYONE! We are a congregation in the Episcopal tradition “joyfully growing, giving, and serving in all ways in Christ.” A place where all are welcome no matter who you are or where you are on your journey of faith.
Join us as we journey with Jesus and as we sing a new song to God: the melody of a renewed community, the tune of our faith, with its vibrant heritage and radiant future
8:00 a.m. A traditional service of worship that includes silence and reflection without sung hymns.
10:30 a.m. A service of sights, sounds and singing that inviting to all; especially appropriate for young children and their families.
Connect…to God…to Community…to Self
Worshippers at St. Paul’s wear everything from casual jeans to formal suits. No matter what your style you’ll fit right in. We use the breadth of services in the “Book of Common Prayer” in the course of the year, as well as services from “Enriching Our Worship” and other parts of the Anglican Communion.
Our community is traditional but never conventional. Our faith is over 2000 years old but our thinking is not. We seek to engage our minds as well as nourishing our souls and we invite you into that journey.
We look forward to welcoming you in worship. We gather as a hopeful, optimistic, caring and loving community, a place where questions are welcomed and where faith is a journey and not a destination.