Our Ministries

St. Paul’s has long been a community of welcome, generosity and community involvement. Our ministries are many and varied and we encourage each member to offer their gifts to the community as a whole.

There are several different areas in which to be involved at St. Paul’s whether it’s being a part of the parish ministries associated with worship, getting involved in the community outreach projects or being a part of our mission outreach.

No matter who you are or what gifts and talents you bring, we invite you to offer your unique ministry to God in Christ. Please visit our other pages for more information about our ongoing ministries.

Acolytes & Crucifers

Lights and extinguishes the candles, rings the sanctus bell during the Eucharist prayer. The Crucifer also processes the cross at the beginning and end of the service, assists the deacon with setting the table, and serves as an emergency Lector or Eucharistic Minister if needed. Children are encouraged to jump into this role as the Spirit moves them.

Altar Guild

Cares for the altar, vestments, hangings, and altar linens of the parish.

Buildings & Grounds

The general upkeep and maintenance of the building and its surrounds falls to this group. They host a major cleanup day each year, usually in the spring.


Read the assigned lessons for the day and lead the Prayers of the People.

Eucharistic Ministers

Serve as chalice bearers, offering the wine during Communion.

Sunday Singers – Voices Raised in Praise

Leads the 10:30 a.m. congregation in singing the hymns and service music and may provide anthems for inspiration and meditation.

The Jubilee Choir

A festival choral and instrumental supplement to the Sunday Singers that enriches the music for Christmas, Easter, and our 5th Sunday 9:30 a.m. combined services without committing to singing for the entire program year.

Faith Formation

Developing and growing in our knowledge and love of God and Neighbor. Giving us the theology, biblical background, and training for our ministries.


Use the MEVO camera to livestream the 10:30 a.m. service on St. Paul’s Facebook page.


Welcomes people as they arrive, passes out bulletins and other needed items for the service, encourages new people to sign the visitors book, passes the plate during the offertory and brings those gifts to the altar at the doxology.

Pastoral Care Team

Pastoral Care is about St. Paul’s showing up for its members when our members cannot show up to St. Paul’s. It is our expression of love in difficult times. Eucharistic Visitors bring Communion to parishioners who cannot make it regularly to church. Visiting Friends call or come by to check in and chat with folks we haven’t seen in a while. Funeral Hospitality and Meal Trains are involved with food preparation, set up and clean up for a funeral and the delivery of meals.

Worship Planning Team

Help design deep and meaningful worship experiences that engage all of the senses.

Parish Life & Fellowship

The coordination of parish events throughout the year to help us get to know each other in a social setting.

Justice & Change

Addresses the systemic issues that prevent us from living as a beloved community.

Finance Team

Assists the Treasurer and Vestry in managing and reviewing St. Paul’s finances.


Everything that we have is a gift from God, the source of all life. We have been entrusted as stewards of God’s abundance. This involves sharing in and caring for all our resources as a parish, both physically and financially. We do this through annual giving, special giving into one of St. Paul’s endowments or funds, and legacy giving.

Community Outreach

Provides for basic needs in our community.

Daughters of the King

This is an ecumenical order for women who seek through prayer, service and evangelism to be lights for the kingdom. “The object of this Order shall be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.”


The legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. The number of vestry members and the term of office varies from parish to parish. Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting. The basic responsibilies of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.